

int XWMGeometry(display, screen, user_geom, def_geom, bwidth, hints, x_return, y_return,
                width_return, height_return, gravity_return)
      Display *display;
      int screen;
      char *user_geom;
      char *def_geom;
      unsigned int bwidth;
      XSizeHints *hints;
      int *x_return, *y_return;
      int *width_return;
      int *height_return;
      int *gravity_return;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
screen Specifies the screen.
user_geom Specifies the user-specified geometry or NULL.
def_geom Specifies the application's default geometry or NULL.
bwidth Specifies the border width.
hints Specifies the size hints for the window in its normal state.
Return the x and y offsets.
Return the width and height determined.
gravity_return Returns the window gravity.


The XWMGeometry() function combines any geometry information (given in the format used by XParseGeometry()) specified by the user and by the calling program with size hints (usually the ones to be stored in WM_NORMAL_HINTS) and returns the position, size, and gravity (NorthWestGravity, NorthEastGravity, SouthEastGravity, or SouthWestGravity) that describe the window. If the base size is not set in the XSizeHints structure, the minimum size is used if set. Otherwise, a base size of zero is assumed. If no minimum size is set in the hints structure, the base size is used. A mask (in the form returned by XParseGeometry()) that describes which values came from the user specification and whether or not the position coordinates are relative to the right and bottom edges is returned. Note that these coordinates will have already been accounted for in the x_return and y_return values.

Note that invalid geometry specifications can cause a width or height of zero to be returned. The caller may pass the address of the hints win_gravity field as gravity_return to update the hints directly.

See also

XParseGeometry(), XSetWMProperties(), "Parsing the Window Geometry".
Christophe Tronche, [email protected]