

XInstallColormap(display, colormap)
      Display *display;
      Colormap colormap;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
colormap Specifies the colormap.


The XInstallColormap() function installs the specified colormap for its associated screen. All windows associated with this colormap immediately display with true colors. You associated the windows with this colormap when you created them by calling XCreateWindow(), XCreateSimpleWindow(), XChangeWindowAttributes(), or XSetWindowColormap().

If the specified colormap is not already an installed colormap, the X server generates a ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap. In addition, for every other colormap that is installed as a result of a call to XInstallColormap(), the X server generates a ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap.

XInstallColormap() can generate a BadColor error.


BadColor A value for a Colormap argument does not name a defined Colormap.

See also

XChangeWindowAttributes(), XCreateColormap(), XCreateWindow(), XFree(), XListInstalledColormaps(), XUninstallColormap(), "Managing Installed Colormaps"
Christophe Tronche, [email protected]