
This function has been superseded by XSetWMProperties() and sets all or portions of the WM_NAME, WM_ICON_NAME, WM_HINTS, WM_COMMAND, and WM_NORMAL_HINTS properties.


XSetStandardProperties(display, w, window_name, icon_name, icon_pixmap, argv, argc, hints)
      Display *display;
      Window w;
      char *window_name;
      char *icon_name;
      Pixmap icon_pixmap;
      char **argv;
      int argc;
      XSizeHints *hints;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
w Specifies the window.
window_name Specifies the window name, which should be a null-terminated string.
icon_name Specifies the icon name, which should be a null-terminated string.
icon_pixmap Specifies the bitmap that is to be used for the icon or None.
argv Specifies the application's argument list.
argc Specifies the number of arguments.
hints Specifies a pointer to the size hints for the window in its normal state.


The XSetStandardProperties() function provides a means by which simple applications set the most essential properties with a single call. XSetStandardProperties() should be used to give a window manager some information about your program's preferences. It should not be used by applications that need to communicate more information than is possible with XSetStandardProperties(). (Typically, argv is the argv array of your main program.) If the strings are not in the Host Portable Character Encoding, the result is implementation dependent.

XSetStandardProperties() can generate BadAlloc and BadWindow errors.


BadAlloc The server failed to allocate the requested source or server memory.
BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See also

XSetWMProperties(), "Compatibility Functions".
Christophe Tronche, [email protected]